
Showing posts from December, 2019

Christmas without Dad

This year has been full of so many memories, both happy and sad. So many big big ups and a few very large downs. This year will always be the year we welcomed Tommy, it will be the year Mike got promoted, we went to Naples, Disney, and Ormond. It will be the year my oldest baby turned 6, Mike and I celebrated six years married and nine years dating. And it will also always be the year we lost my Daddy. Not to say Thanksgiving was easy to get through, but that was never a big holiday in my house growing up, and no day is easy without him, but this Christmas is the first "big" holiday without my Daddy and I dont think I'm ready for it. I have many Christmas memories but a favorite is when Michael was just a year old, we were going to Richmond to celebrate Christmas, it was the year we implemented our Thanksgiving in NJ, Christmas in VA plan. I thought it might be my last Christmas with my Daddy (I'm so glad that it wasn't) I remember calling my daddy a few da...